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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hot Body

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary new method to attaining the body of dreams. Most people at some point in their lives have faced the endless battle with stubborn fat. No amount of healthy eating or exercising can take a centimeter off. Most of the time the only option seems going under the knife or living with fat. CoolSculpting is a revolutionary new way to get rid of stubborn fat. Procedures that use laser, sonic waves and knives to remove fat can in the process destroy surrounding tissue other than fatty tissue. CoolSculpting, however is a non-intrusive procedure that does not burn, shatter or extract any fat cells. CoolSculpting is a patented procedure developed by Harvard scientists and is Food and Drug Administration of United States of America cleared. CoolSculpting uses a targeted cooling process that kills the fat cells underneath the skin. CoolSculpting freezes fat cells till they are eliminated. As against traditional forms of fat cell removal procedures, CoolSculpting does not leave scars and does not use needles. CoolSculpting targets fat cells that get crystallized. Once crystallized, the fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body. After the CoolSculpting treatment, there is no down time or recovery time required making the CoolSculpting treatment desirable.

CoolSculpting is a form of treatment through which results are not immediately visible. Through CoolSculpting the fat cells are killed and naturally eliminated by the body. The body takes time, often a few months, to excrete thedead fat calls. Good candidates for CoolSculpting by Zeltiq are those people who have noticeable rolls of fat on their bodies such as love handles, back fat, stomach rolls, etc. When CoolSculpting is carried out on specific parts of the body that visibly have fat in them, after CoolSculpting, and the required time for elimination of fat cells, the treated areas appear tighter and smoother. CoolSculpting while being relatively pain free does not necessitate the use of post treatment drugs, exercises or supplements of any kinds, owing the results experienced CoolSculpting alone.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013 by Unknown · 0

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